Motor vehicle protection products are designed to protect your new or used automobile from damage and keep your car looking as good as it did the day you bought it. The products offered by MVPPA members are backed by highly-rated insurance companies, so consumers can be assured that the coverage they purchase is available when they need it. These protection products include the following:

Windshield Repair or Replacement

Small windshield chips and cracks are permanently repaired by a process that removes air from the break and fills it with a curable resin. This product may also provide for the replacement of the windshield in the event that the chip or crack cannot be repaired.

Tire and Wheel Road Hazard Coverage

Repair or replacement of tires and/or wheels damaged due to contact with a curb, pothole, or debris on the road such as a nail, rock, or tree limb.

Vehicle Key and Key-fob Replacement

Repair or replacement of a customer’s lost or inoperable vehicle key or keyless entry remote.

Appearance Care Protection

Prevents staining, fading, or other damage when applied to the recommended area of the vehicle. In the event of a product failure, customers are eligible for repair or replacement of the treated area.

Vehicle Protection Products

A protection product is applied to or installed on a customer’s vehicle, and the product is warranted to prevent certain damage. In the event that the product fails, customers are eligible for repair or replacement of the damage, or reimbursement for the repair or replacement. These products (commonly referred to as VPP products) may include theft protection products like window etching, ignition lock-out, or satellite tracking systems, as well as other products to prevent physical damage to the vehicle.

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