No More Pointless Presents for Dad – Give the Gift of Coverage This Father’s Day

Do you really want to buy Dad a boring old Father’s Day gift, something that’ll sit on a shelf or in a drawer collecting dust? This year, how about you get him something that will really last – while protecting something he really values. After all, dads are responsible for making sure their kids are protected and taken care of, so why not do the same for them. 

From teaching you how to drive, to helping you grill your first BBQ feast, to checking in with you while he’s stuck in traffic, a dad’s appliances and vehicles are a part of so many fatherly endeavors. Now, with that special day for him fast approaching, you should consider that motor vehicle and appliance protection products are the perfect way to thank him for all of life’s special moments.

From teaching you how to drive, to chauffeuring you to practice, buying your dad a motor vehicle protection product is the perfect way to thank him for all the drives! Turn to the Motor Vehicle Protection Product Association for products that work to protect vehicles from damage and keep them looking brand-new, whether it be windshield repair, tire coverage, or even protection against sun damage.

Whether Dad is driving the latest model or a beloved classic, or living the life of a weekend motorcycle warrior, an auto service contract through the Service Contract Industry Council (SCIC) will be the gift that keeps on giving. Auto service contracts protect vehicles beyond the manufacturer’s warranty, ensuring continued long-term use. These contracts have many benefits, including bumper-to-bumper coverage to maintain the electrical system and protection for the leather seats. Many also include access to pre-qualified auto technicians and discounted maintenance, among other things.

These kinds of benefits don’t have to stop at the garage door. If this Father’s Day gift list includes home and consumer appliances such as power tools, outdoor grills, or maybe even the latest smartphone –  SCIC has got you covered. Service contracts for home appliances will protect Dad from unexpected expenses later on by offering discounted rates on product repairs or replacements, pre-qualified technicians, coverage for accidental damage from handling, free shipping, and more. 

Father’s Day sales make it the perfect time to upgrade Dad’s favorite “toys” or vehicle. Whatever is on your gift list for Dad, be sure to also protect his special moments with a service contract.


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