New Miss. Law Expands Issues Covered by Vehicle Protection Product Contracts

Mississippi’s vehicle owners who want to protect their car from damage will benefit from a new state law that took effect Monday, July 1. The law, which was pursued by the Motor Vehicle Protection Products Association and enacted by Mississippi House Bill 925, expands the definition of a service contract. This new brings practices that may have previously occurred without oversight under a state regulatory structure, making this an important milestone for consumers.

The law amends the current definition of a service contract to now include contracts to repair or replace tires, wheels, and windshields for damage from road hazards; contracts for paintless dent repair services; and contracts to replace lost or stolen vehicle key-fobs.

“Our association is proud to have had a hand in the passage of this legislation that serves the dual purpose of protecting consumers and highlighting helpful vehicle protection product options,” said Tim Meenan, executive director of MVPPA. “We are always working to ensure that the industry is being regulated fairly, and those who wish to take advantage of these services have that option safely available to them.”

Motor vehicle protection products such as those listed in this new law are designed for car owners who want to protect their vehicle from damage and keep it in top condition. Most vehicle protection products are sold at the dealership during the point of sale, but consumers can purchase one from the dealer or independent provider after buying the car, too.

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